Sunday, January 8, 2012

Can I Get A Mittless?

Today's the first installment of a planned series on the subject of Mitt Romney, who has the courage of the convictions he holds today. He demonstrated in favor of the military draft during the war in Vietnam. Himself, he earned a religious deferment by doing Mormon missionary work in....

Wait for it...

Paris, France.

Yes. A millionaire's son, spreading the word in the City of Light. Every Vietnam veteran is doubtless grateful that he/she wasn't subject to the horrors...


Woody (Tokin Librul/Rogue Scholar/ Helluvafella!) said...

Whilst in the service of my country, I had occasion to visit that hell-sink of sin and iniquity the heathen Frog call "Pear-EE!"
Just to broaden my perspective on the depths of depravity of which my fellows could be capable, you understand, and to harden myself against any subsequent temptations toward such vanities as 'taste,' or 'grace,' or 'beauty.'
I am happy to say, it worked, and I am today a Philistine of whom even the Republican Ricks would be proud...

ProfWombat said...

I admire your courage before adversity. Forced to eat their food, drink their wines, take their set us a daunting example, even if you didn't have a trust fund...

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I've never crossed the Atlantic further than Barbados. But I'd like to get around to it, someday.

P.S. To hell with Mittens.

Marilyn said...

Quelle domage! Batarde!

ProfWombat said...

ifthe: good ta see ya
Marilyn: likewise